
Oh how I wish I knew what I knew now when I wrote my first book Read My Lips over 12 years ago!

Looking back I truly winged my way writing that first book. Back then I didn't know how to begin writing let alone how to lay out a manuscript, what book components I'd need, how to source the right people to produce my book or how to sell it, and that was only the beginning! I didn't even know you had to get a book distributor, or what the differences between self-publishing or publishing were. 

Fast forward 12 years, and I know more than I ever thought anyone would need to know about writing and selling books. It's amazing isn't it? The more you know, the more you realise you don't know. 

Writing is really only the first step in becoming an author, there is so much to know. 

I've made so many mistakes I couldn't count them! It's through sheer tenacity, determination, passion, belief, trialling, testing, and lots and lots of long hours, and hard work, that any of my books became bestsellers—it certainly wasn't skill in the beginning (or even now), that's for sure!

Some people want to write a legacy book to hand onto their family and aren't interested in the selling and marketing component, but if that's not you, then there is plenty to get yourself up to speed on if you want your book to be gracing bookshelves around the country, if not worldwide. 

The core elements of having a bestselling book business are—writing - producing - selling - and building a business utilising the book as the core element.

Once upon a time, authors were an elite and mysterious group. These days ANYONE can be an author! I love this! Even at my son’s school I've helped Mums write, produce and promote their own books!

It's not as hard as you would think. Yes, it takes some planning, yes it takes some time, but as long as you have a book idea, passion and determination—you're half way home. 

We offer help to all new and experienced writers. We can help you wherever you are on your authoring adventure! You just need to sing out!

Regardless of what stage you're at—my brilliant team and I look forward to hearing from you and helping you!

You will be able to fast track saving yourself lots of time, money, pain and effort through these services, resources and programs which have taken me over 12 years to fine tune and perfect. You won't need to make the same mistakes I did. I steer you through these in my mentoring programs, books and the 12 week online program—any, and all of which you have access to below.

Scroll through the following options—click on what you need help with, and let us help you write, and produce a book that you can be proud of to share with the world!

Each image below will open up a new window specific to that option so you can have a good read about what each option is—see what you need, and how to begin either writing your book, producing your book, selling it, or building a book business.


 We look forward to helping you!








Choose the 12 week step-by-step guided program on how to write a book, or test the waters with the 7 day writing challenge!

12 Week online writing program



Learn at your own pace with these fantastic books that detail every step of the whole process of writing and marketing your own book. 



If you have purchased either of my books - How to Write Your Book or How to Market Your Book, you can download the free workbooks here.

Workbook for How to Write Your Book

Workbook for How to Market Your Book 



For the uninitiated, here is how the book production process works with us;

  • Content editing (approx 4-7 weeks)
  • Editing review and finalisation (approx 1-2 weeks)
  • Internal formatting (approx 4-5 weeks)
  • Front cover design (approx 1-2 weeks)
  • Book file finalisation (approx 1 week)
  • eBook conversion (approx 2 weeks)


    We offer a range of production services and packages. You can use each service on it's own, or you can choose from our fabulous cost effective production packages as follows;


    • Copy editing (grammar, punctuation, word usage, and spelling)
    • Internal formatting
    • Front cover design
    • ebook conversion
    • Author production email assistance and support throughout the production process
    • 10 copies of your book (black and white internals and colour cover)

    Standard packages begin from $3479 for a payment in full before you begin 
    * This investment fee is based on a standard sized book of less than 50,000 words with no images illustrations or graphics.
    * Package price is based on full payment before you begin.
    * A payment plan option is available with a commencement deposit at a slightly higher package price—payment instalments will vary based upon the length of payment plan—email us for details.
    * ISBN and barcode fees are additional to this package.
    * Book indexing is not included in this package.
    * For terms and conditions, or to begin, please email us.



    • Developmental editing (content evaluation, copy organisation, structure, flow, duplication, improvement suggestions to work if required, grammar, spelling, punctuation) 
    • Internal formatting 
    • Front cover design 
    • ebook conversion  
    • Author website (similar to this one)
    • Newsletter and database set up
    • Author social media set up
    • Author production email assistance and support throughout production
    • Author over the phone mentoring and training on social media, the website and database system
    • 20 copies of your book (black and white internals and colour cover)

    Ultimate packages begin from $6675 for a payment in full before you begin 
    * This investment fee is based on a standard sized book of less than 50,000 words with no images illustrations or graphics.
    * Price is based on full payment before you begin.
    * A payment plan option is available with a commencement deposit at a slightly higher package price—payment instalments will vary based upon the length of payment plan—email us for details.
    * ISBN and barcode fees are additional to this package.
    * Indexing is not included in this package.
    * Website hosting, apps, domain and ISBN, barcode fees are additional to this package.
    * Author will supply images and basic content to be used on the website.
    * For terms and conditions, or to begin, please email us.




    Editing is a vital component in the production of your book. As authors we look at our work for so long, changing it, improving it, painstakingly going over and over it for any errors to make sure our work is just right. We THINK it's perfect, then our manuscripts are handed over to the editing department—what a shock that is!

    It never ceases to amaze me (and every author I know), just how much we miss, regardless of the time spent checking it, double and triple checking it (probably more like the 10,000th time!) only to see all the editing mark ups on it when it returns from my editor. That's a GREAT thing! We WANT our work to be the best it can be. We don't want people reading our books and getting side tracked because of too many mistakes. We want them focused on our work and what we did well, not our mistakes and what we didn't do well. That's why editing is so important.

    Editors ensure your message, story or content shines, is easy to read, makes sense, flows, and is engaging. Some authors need only copy editing for their book, while others need full comprehensive editing. Editing is the first part of the book production process and takes a minimum of 3-4 weeks to complete for the first round of editing. To have your book edited, please email us the following;

    • Your manuscript - preferably in a Word document
    • Your timeline of when you need your manuscript back by

      How the editing process works with us... 

    • You finish your manuscript (complete with all components—if you're unsure what components of the manuscript you need such as table of contents, prologue, introduction, preface, foreword etc., please pick up a copy of my book How to Write Your Book which will explain each component and if you need it or not)
    • You email your manuscript to us—we check it and provide a quote you for the type of editing you require before commencement—50% of the fee is to be paid before work commences. The balance is paid upon completion. 
    • The manuscript goes into editing (approx 4-7 weeks)
    • The manuscript is then emailed back to you for review of all edits and suggestions from the editor
    • You review, approve, amend edits
    • The editor updates the manuscript and it's sent back to you finalised. You pay the balance owing from your editing invoice and you're ready to move into formatting and design.


      Book design varies from book to book. Some books require the content of the manuscript to be designed in a standard format, however other authors like their books to be more creatively presented. There are a lot of elements to book design, each determine the length of time needed on the design,along with what you can expect to invest for the design of your book. For example, if you have illustrations, photos, images etc., the design fee will be more than a book without these elements. To engage us to please email us an overview of your manuscript including;

      • Word page count
      • What level of design you require - standard or creative
      • Timeline of when you require the design complete
      • What dimensions your book needs to be in (height and width)
      • Front cover design if you have it
      • Any ideas of design you have seen that you would like (optional

      How the formatting process works with us... 

    • You email us your edited manuscript in a Word document 
    • We check it and provide a quote for formatting before commencement—50% of the fee is to be paid before work commences. The balance is paid upon completion. 
    • 3 design drafts of around 9 pages are emailed to you to select the style you prefer
    • The manuscript goes into formatting (approx 4-5 weeks)
    • The formatted file is then emailed back to you for review
    • You review, approve, or advise design changes if required
    • Design changes are free—however if you change the design of headings, fonts and style from that of the design draft you first selected, an addition fee will be charged as these changes can move your books entire content around and the designer will need to begin designing it from scratch
    • Editing changes (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence or paragraph amendments) are a cost of $20 per page changed as these are to be made before designing begins
    • The designer updates changes if there are any and the finalised formatted book file is then sent back to you. You pay the balance owing from your formatting invoice and you're ready to move into printing.


        We have what we think is THE best book cover designer in the world! Ok we may be a little biased, but we love his work and so do our clients! Book covers can either make or break your book. It's vital that your book cover attracts your reader. It really needs to connect and draw your readers attention right away—there's a LOT of competition out there, and your book cover needs to stand out. It convey's your book's personality. It has to be perfect. No home design jobs will do when it comes to your book jacket! Book covers begin from $599 + GST. To begin, please email us the following details;

        • Your book title
        • The cover content
        • The back cover content
        • Your barcode and ISBN number
        • The dimensions your book needs to be in (height and width) 
        • Any ideas or images you have if you have something in mind (don't worry if you have no idea - that's what a great designer does - they get creative on your behalf!)


        Over 50% of book sales in the USA are digital books, and Australia is catching up fast! So if you haven't had your book converted into a digital format for devices such as Kindle or iPad—you could be missing out on LOTS of exposure that many just launch your book onto a global platform, not to mention increase your book royalty bank balance! Ebook conversions begin at $499 + GST so it's affordable and gives you another opportunity to share your work with a wider audience. To get started, please email the following;

        • Your formatted book
        • Your front cover
        • The digital ISBN number
        • Formats you want your book in (for e.g., .ePub, .Mobi)
        • Timeline you need the eBooks by (most eBooks take around 2-3 weeks to convert)


         Website design

        We create simple, yet effective websites like this one for new business owners and authors. We work with our client on what pages and functionality their website needs to be an important marketing and sales vehicle. Ongoing fees such as website and email hosting, domain name and functionality apps are at additional costs and be charged to the client as per supplier's terms and conditions. We check everything with you and don't do a thing until you approve it. The websites we create are user friendly and easy to update yourself. The website software provider gives you 24 hour/7 days a week support and assistance after we have handed the website over to you. They also have loads of training video's if you should require a visual step-by-step on how to do anything yourself after you have taken possession of your site. A one hour training session is provided upon hand over. Website creation starts from $999 + GST. Email us for details.


        Book distribution - Dennis Jones & Associates  -