Rachael Bermingham's Upgraded Manuscript Template

Ok, you have your basic manuscript template, and now you're not quite sure of what each section is, or maybe you're unsure about what to write in each?

I get it, some of us are visual and need to SEE what each section is about. Back when I wrote my first book, I had no idea what an Imprint Page was let alone know if I needed one in my book!

You can upgrade from the free version with this more detailed downloadable writing template. I've already put it in a Word Document for you (which is how most manuscripts need to presented)—with the headings for each category books need, PLUS an explanation of what to write in each section as well!

This takes the guess work out of what you need to write and where you need to write your content.

PLUS, you'll get super clear on if you even need a particular section for your book! 

It's all in the sequence that your book will need to be in also. 

And, if you're not sure of how many words you need to write—I've got you covered there too! I've written in how many words in each section you can benchmark to. 

So, you're set! 

Download the upgraded version here now for a super low limited time only price of $7. Get clear, and get writing!  

Just a heads up authors, the cart needs an X in the field called apartment, I don't know why, we're looking into it. Thanks heaps, see you on the other side :-) 

Regular price $7.00
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